[Qgis-psc] QGIS 2.18 bug fixing effort

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at gmail.com
Tue May 23 06:01:55 PDT 2017

> This patch won't affect rendering at all - if you're seeing slower
> rendering after this commit, it's either:
> - an earlier 2.18.8 commit. Possibly the extra safety added by
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/commit/452c806670aa31caf0d6ec4e1f308c3d84e6d024,
> but if so I'd choose slower, crash free rendering over crashy
> rendering ;)
> - instability in the benchmark. Can you provide more details about how
> you obtained these figures? Are they averages over multiple runs?

this are my new findings:


I see clearly that rendering in 2.18.8 from repo is much faster than
in 2.18 compiled from git. Also:

* master is even slower
* the faster of them all was 2.8


-- G --

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