[Qgis-psc] Open Letter about EU copyright changes

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Wed Oct 4 00:05:46 PDT 2017


EU plans to change copyright laws so that content sharing and code 
sharing sites, such as Github, Gitlab, OSM, OpenStreetmap would have to 
check any uploaded content (including source code) to be checked against 
databases or copyrighted content and code.

Ultimately, this means that Github can decide in the future to reject 
code, if it has similarities with already patented or copyrighted code. 
Seems such content filters already exist for content sharing sites, such 
as Youtube or photo sharing platforms - e.g. when video content is 
checked if it contains copyrighted audio or video material.

I think, we, as QGIS.ORG should sign this Open Letter from FSFE to ask 
gov officials to rethink their ideas: https://savecodeshare.eu/

What do you think - can we sign this on behalf of QGIS.ORG?



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