[Qgis-psc] Nominations for the QGIS Board and a short announcement from your Board Chair

Denis Rouzaud denis.rouzaud at gmail.com
Tue Feb 6 07:43:26 PST 2018

Hi Tim,

>From my point of view, you were an outstanding chair! Your pragmatism,
clear vision for the project, calm and friendly attitude will be missed
I'd like to thank you very much for all your work.

It was a pleasure harrassing you with many demands ;)


Le mar. 6 févr. 2018 à 11:31, Yves Jacolin <yjacolin at free.fr> a écrit :

> Thanks Tim for your work as a PSC member. You did an awesome work always
> with quality and openness in mind.
> Y.
> Le 06/02/2018 à 16:16, Tim Sutton a écrit :
> Hi All
> It is nomination time again for the QGIS board! According to our charter
> [1] our Project Steering Committee and Board members shall serve for
> periods of two years at a time and then shall be eligible for re-election.
> In addition, new members for the Board and PSC can be nominated at these
> times. After the nominations, a vote will follow to decide how the PSC and
> Board will be made up for the next two years. If you are a QGIS Voting
> member (i.e. your name appears either here [2] as Community Voting Member
> or here [3] as Country User Group Voting Member), please take the time to
> make nominations. You should have already received an email invitation to
> the nominations form. If you have not, please contact me and I will resend
> it to you.
> On a personal note I would like to share that I will be standing down from
> the Board and PSC at the end of my tenure as chair. I will continue to
> participate in the QGIS community as a GIS Nerd :-) I am extremely honoured
> to have been able to serve as your first Board Chair. QGIS as a project has
> grown so much and we have many good processes in place to ensure that the
> project keeps growing and reaching more and more users with our special
> brand of Open Source GIS goodness. Standing down is not a decision I took
> lightly and being part of such an awesome community of developers, users,
> documenters, GIS Nerds has been a really awesome experience. From the
> humble beginnings of Gary Sherman starting QGIS 16 years ago and his
> subsequent generosity in opening up the source code to the world, QGIS is
> now being used in every corner of the world and in every sector of society.
> It has been great to be a part of seeing that happen, and I look forward to
> continuing the journey with you all under the new project Chair.
> Thank you all for the wonderful support you have shown me while I have
> served as Chair, now go out and use your votes to elect the next Chair who
> can lead QGIS on to bigger and better things!
> My very best regards
> Tim Sutton
> [1] https://www.qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/governance/psc.html
> [2]
> https://www.qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/governance/governance.html#community-voting-members
> [3]
> https://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/usergroups.html#current-list-of-qgis-user-groups
> ---
> *Tim Sutton*
> QGIS Project Steering Committee Chair
> tim at qgis.org
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