[Qgis-psc] 2018 grant applications are now closed

Anita Graser anitagraser at gmx.at
Sat May 19 10:02:03 PDT 2018


I have now compiled the applications summary at

As a quick teaser, here are the proposal titles:

1. GEarthView plugin porting to QGIS 3
2. Add OpenCL support for processing core algs
3. Welcome page improvements (QEP 102)
4. QGIS 3 Enhancement Georeferencer
5. Resurrect Processing "R" Provider as a plugin and maintain
6. Increased stability for Processing GUI and External Providers and
maintenance of Processing
7. Update of QGIS Training Manual
8. Charts and drawings on attribute forms
9. Improve CAD editing tools (first round)
10. Export raster symbology in SLD 1.1 (with extensions as needed)
11. Get QGIS server OGC compliant and certified for WFS
12. Real-life prototyping of QGIS Platform migration to GitLab
13. OSGeo4W updates
14. Setting registry

The next step will be to set up the voting form and email our voting
members to review the proposals and cast their vote.


On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 6:42 PM, Anita Graser <anitagraser at gmx.at> wrote:

> ​Hi,
> This is to let you know that the form for grant applications is now closed
> and that we have received ​14 applications totaling €67,100. I will be
> preparing the next steps over the following days.
> Thank you for everyone who submitted their project proposals!
> Regards,
> Anita
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