[Qgis-psc] Nomination of Peter Petrik for core committer status

Nyall Dawson nyall.dawson at gmail.com
Sat Sep 1 02:46:12 PDT 2018


I'd like to formally nominate Peter Petrik (@PeterPetrik) for core
committer status to QGIS.

Peter has been doing excellent work since he joined up with Lutra in
mesh handling, QGIS Quick, and QGIS 3D. His code is consistently of
excellent quality and his knowledge of these two tricky areas is an
extremely valuable asset to the project. His history of contributions
also demonstrates a clear understanding of not only QGIS code
practices, but also modern best-practice c++ and Qt development.

I think it would be a natural fit for Peter to (in)formally* become
the maintainer of both QGIS' mesh data provider and mesh layer
handling, and QGIS Quick library.

Thanks for this consideration!

* I realise nowadays we don't really have formal "areas of
maintenance", and everything's a bit more fluid. But there's still a
sense of "subject matter experts", and I'd not feel comfortable seeing
a contribution go into mesh handling/QGIS Quick which wasn't OK-ed by

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