[Qgis-psc] Fwd: Windows only version of a QGIS 2.18x plugin

Matthias Kuhn matthias at opengis.ch
Fri Mar 8 03:55:19 PST 2019

Hi Paolo,

That's my perception as well, we welcome every (open) plugin but
encourage multi-platform ones. From my point of view it does not need a
formal vote but it would be nice to have a statement, can you do that?

Thanks a lot!


On 3/8/19 10:55 AM, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Hi Matthias,
> I think the general consensus is that we strongly prefer multi-platform
> plugins, but we accept exceptions with due motivation.
> Is my interpretation of the discussion outcome satisfying everybody?
> If necessary we can vote about this in the upcoming PSC meeting.
> All the best.
> On 08/03/19 09:34, Matthias Kuhn wrote:
>> Hi PSC,
>> It looks like there is still a bit of uncertainty around publishing
>> plugins which are not available for all platforms.
>> Can I kindly ask you to give an official response based on the
>> discussion on the development thread to this topic?
>> Thank you very much
>> Matthias
>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>> Subject: 	[QGIS-Developer] Windows only version of a QGIS 2.18x plugin
>> Date: 	Fri, 8 Mar 2019 01:11:04 +0000
>> From: 	Christina.Ratcliff at csiro.au
>> To: 	qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
>> Hi QGIS Developers,
>> I’m  following up on this issue which I posted last month. While it
>> triggered  a lot of discussion I never received a firm answer as to
>> whether my PAT plugin could be hosted and made discoverable as a QGIS
>> plugin on the official plugins site.
>> About a week ago I uploaded a new version of PAT for some bug fixes, and
>> it remains unapproved. Is this likely to get approved so users can find
>> and install it via the plugin manager?
>> I was interested to see that PAT v0.1.0 has now had 131 downloads
>> directly from the QGIS repository so there is definitely an interest. 
>> Currently version 0.1.0 is showing on the website as being approved, but
>> when I search for it in using the QGIS plugin manager, I can’t find it,
>> even with the experimental option ticked on. Is there a reason for this?
>> Kind Regards,
>> Christina
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Matthias Kuhn
matthias at opengis.ch <mailto:matthias at opengis.ch>
+41 (0)76 435 67 63 <tel:+41764356763>
OPENGIS.ch Logo <http://www.opengis.ch>
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