[Qgis-psc] Announcement for 2.18 end of life?

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Fri Mar 8 06:24:56 PST 2019

doing it now

On 08/03/19 10:05, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Hi Nathan,
> we were discussing about this, and I think it is very good to announce
> this widely. Could you please suggest a text for the blog?
> Thanks.
> On 08/03/19 09:55, Nathan Woodrow wrote:
>> Hey PSC,
>> I wonder if we need something more around the announcement for the end
>> of life of 2.18 as people are just noticing the packages no longer on
>> the website and in the package repos so it's surprising a few people. 
>> Could we do an official blog post, tweet, and email to all the lists so
>> that users are aware of the state of play.
>> Regards,
>> Nathan
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Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu

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