[Qgis-psc] Adding GIS Support (Poland) to list of commercial support companies

Michał Drożdż michal.drozdz at gis-support.pl
Thu Sep 5 04:34:55 PDT 2019

Dear PSC,

please add our company GIS Support sp. z o.o. (https://gis-support.pl) to
commercial support list (
https://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/commercial_support.html). We actually
do this since at least five years, but never thought about adding us to the

Is there any additional special requirements to be meet?



*Michał Drożdż*

Dyrektor Zarządzający, CEO

tel: +48 888 200 115


GIS Support Sp. z o.o.

Konrada Wallenroda 2f, Lublin 20-607

tel. +48 81 451 14 90, NIP: 9462641761
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