[Qgis-psc] Position on Qt wrt The QT Company announcements

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Fri Apr 10 05:40:07 PDT 2020

Hi Andreas,

Il 10/04/20 12:49, Andreas Neumann ha scritto:

> I am afraid that the contacts between KDAB and myself are mainly of
> administrative nature. I don't know any influential persons there and I
> doubt that the accountant would help us much in this respect. I also
> vaguely know a "Business Development Manager" there, named Michael
> Freer. He might be a useful contact. But again: KDAB is not the culprit
> here. They are probably also "victims" like us, but likely with a closer
> involvement with QT and the QT Company than us.

Yes, that's why I suggested trying to contact them. We should be
basically in the same boat, it would be good to agree on a common course
of actions.

> However, before starting to send out uncoordinated e-mails here and
> there, I'd prefer if the PSC, together with selected core developers who
> know something about the issue take the time to work on a collaborative
> document where we cite statements from the QT company that are of
> concern to us and summarize a statement from us including ideas how to
> solve the conflict.

I understand your point. However, I believe things are still muddy, and
I'd like to have more flesh before discussing further.

> Can we schedule an extraordinary PSC meeting with invited other experts
> for this next week?

I'm available for it.


> Am 10.04.20 um 11:29 schrieb Paolo Cavallini:
>> Hi all,
>> thanks for the extensive and well documented feedback.
>> So apparently we agree this is time to act. I'd suggest to:
>> * first write/call privately to our contacts in major players (Andreas >
>> KDAB, Nyall > KDE^, etc.; of course I'm available in case there is a
>> need for an "official" talk with representatives) to check what are
>> their plans, and what are the opportunities for coordinating the efforts
>> * once the situation is more clear, write an official QGIS.ORG
>> statement, possibly as a blog post; Nyall seems the most documented, so
>> I'd ask him to take the lead on this; of course I'm available to do my
>> part.
>> How does it sound?
>> Cheers.
>> Il 10/04/20 09:41, Vincent Picavet (ml) ha scritto:
>>> Hi,
>>> On 09/04/2020 22:39, Even Rouault wrote:
>>> [..]
>>>> But whatever the outcome of the apparently cool discussions within
>>>> the board of
>>>> the KDE Free Qt foundation between the KDE e.v and QT Company
>>>> representatives, I
>>>> don't think a statement of support from QGIS.org to the open source
>>>> side of the
>>>> QT project would hurt.
>>> +1 to this too
>>>> As far as which body to officially support, this is a bit difficult.
>>>> As the
>>>> board of the KDE Free Qt foundation is made of 2 representatives
>>>> from KDE e.V
>>>> and 2 from The QT Company, it seems difficult to imagine that it
>>>> would continue
>>>> to exist as such, or be still relevant, in the event The QT company
>>>> would
>>>> execute their 12-month-delay plan. And before financially supporting
>>>> the KDE
>>>> Free Qt foundation or whatever other body would represent best the
>>>> interests of
>>>> a FOSS QT (I guess a new body gathering together KDE, KDAB and all
>>>> other parties
>>>> would be more relevant in the event a FOSS QT fork would be needed),
>>>> we should
>>>> probably have a look at its current finances/budget (from a quick
>>>> search,
>>>> couldn't find one regarding KDE Free Qt foundation, apart from the
>>>> 200 000 KRO
>>>> founding capital mentionned in their status [1])
>>> Thanks for raising this point, this would indeed be something to look at
>>> carefully. I agree in case of a fork, the governance model would be
>>> transformed,
>>> and I hope the new organization and related awaited transparency
>>> would make the
>>> financing choice easy to do.
>>> But we are not there yet.
>>> I also agree with Nyall that technically, impacts on QGIS would not
>>> necessarily
>>> be big. Having a more open Qt project, with easier contributions and
>>> bugfixing
>>> could help QGIS though.
>>> But generally speaking QGIS, as a big and successful opensource
>>> project, now
>>> also has the responsibility to voice opinions and defend Opensource /
>>> libre
>>> software models of organization whenever they are at stake in its
>>> ecosystem.
>>> It seems like this is a good time to do it.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Vincent
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Paolo Cavallini - QGIS.ORG Chair
training, support, development on QGIS, PostGIS and more

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