[Qgis-psc] GitHub sponsoring

Marco Bernasocchi marco at qgis.org
Sat Apr 18 03:29:38 PDT 2020

Hi All, just for information, Github announced that they are never going
to charge fees on the sponsoring amount and they also cover payment
processing costs. [0]

I just got the following text from them:

Zero sponsorship fees

When we announced GitHub Sponsors last year at GitHub Satellite, we
offered zero fees for the first year of the program. We’re excited to
announce that we’re extending that policy: GitHub Sponsors will never
charge fees for sponsored developers or sponsored organizations, period.

We are not using GH sponsor yet as I'm still sorting out an issue with
stripe mixing up accounts. As soon as it is solved I'll follow up.



[0] https://github.com/sponsors


Marco Bernasocchi

QGIS.org Co-chair

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