[Qgis-psc] QGIS and Qt 6: A proposal

Nyall Dawson nyall.dawson at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 15:41:37 PDT 2020

On Mon, 6 Jul 2020 at 19:18, Matthias Kuhn <matthias at opengis.ch> wrote:
> Hi Nyall,
> Having a clear plan in time for Qt6 is important. Thanks.
> Some questions:
>   - Is there any plan regarding the todos for QGIS 4?

We would leave these until QGIS 4.0, maybe in 2-3 years.

>   - Do we also remove/cleanup our own deprecated methods, and if yes, when?

No, this is strictly forbidden, just as it is with any other 3.x release.

Basically **we** don't break any API. We just expose the API breaks
which Qt upstream have made with Qt6, and require plugin/script
authors to handle these.


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