[Qgis-psc] Updates to the way changelog entries are managed
Matthias Kuhn
matthias at opengis.ch
Tue Jul 7 00:26:04 PDT 2020
Thanks Charles and Tim,
I this kind of semi-automated process with clear rules is a very good
balance for increasing changelog quality and decreasing the load on
developers to write changelog entries last minute.
If we want some tech-fancy stuff in the backend, a github workflow could
be written that checks for the "Feature" label. If that tag is present
it will require either a `# Changelog` title or a "No Changelog" label.
As long as this is missing it will not be possible to merge. Happy to
lend a hand if you want to follow this road.
On 7/7/20 8:56 AM, Tim Sutton wrote:
> Hi
>> On 7 Jul 2020, at 01:19, Nyall Dawson <nyall.dawson at gmail.com
>> <mailto:nyall.dawson at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> Thanks for your hard work here!
>>> 2) Tasked Charles to read each PR that has a ‘Feature’ label as it
>>> comes in and in the comments section, nudge the author if the
>>> description is not clear / well described. Would be grateful if the
>>> PR gatekeepers could hold back on merging Feature PR’s that have
>>> issues, do not have a Changelog tag applied. Note that the English
>>> doesn’t need to be perfect (we are understanding that English may
>>> not be your mother toungue), the important thing is that the
>>> functionality is well described - we will tidy up the English in
>>> step 6 below.
>>> 3) Once the PR description is good, Charles will add the ‘Changelog’
>>> tag to it.
>> To clarify -- we DON'T manually add the changelog tag to anything?
>> Just the feature tag is sufficient?
> Correct - Charles will add the tag when we want to ingest it so we
> will have 3 states basically:
> 1) Feature tag - not ready for ingestion in Changelog
> 2) Feature tag + Changelog tag + PR Merged - ready for ingestion
> 3) Feature tag + ChangelogHarvested tag + PR merged - entry has been
> ingested
>> One potential reservation I have with this process is that it means
>> that PR descriptions need to be user-focused, rather then developer
>> focused. I think this is a bit backwards -- for review purposes it's
>> better to focus the PR comment on the technical details rather than
>> just using the "glossy overview" that we want for the changelog.
> I think it is fine gif it is developer focussed but would be great if
> there was enough substance that Charles / changlog writers could
> convert the info there into something user facing - screenshot would
> also be nice
>> Could we do something fancy like add a section in the PR template for
>> "changelog entry" and only harvest this part for the changelog?
> Yes indeed - if we could mirror the fields for a changelog entry
> record that would be awesome - we could put the nerdy stuff outside of
> the user facing part. Can you help with that?
> Thanks!
> Regards
> Tim
>> Nyall
>>> 4) Once the PR is merged, we will regularly Harvest the ‘Changelog
>>> tagged entries to the Changelog site.
>>> 5) We have added an additional tag on GitHub called
>>> ‘ChangelogHarvested’ which will be applied after and entry is
>>> harvested, and the Changelog tag then removed (and should bot be
>>> readied to avoid duplicates being pulled in).
>>> 6) The entry will then be tidied up on the changelog site ready for
>>> the release. Additional volunteers (e.g. Toto, Frank) who have
>>> helped in the past are warmly invited to help improve the clarity
>>> and consistency of the entries on the changelog site.
>>> 7) When the release comes near we just need the paid bug fixing
>>> entries added (usually managed by Andreas Neumann) and then Richard
>>> can pull the changelog to the QGIS web site.
>>> I have started the Changelog for 3.16
>>> here:https://changelog.qgis.org/en/qgis/version/3.16/
>>> I hope that works for everyone, and that we get smoother changelog
>>> production in the future!
>>> Regards
>>> Tim
>>> —
>>> Tim Sutton
>>> Co-founder: Kartoza
>>> Honorary PSC Member and Ex-Project chair: QGIS.org <http://QGIS.org>
>>> Visit http://kartoza.com to find out about open source:
>>> Desktop GIS programming services
>>> Geospatial web development
>>> GIS Training
>>> Consulting Services
>>> Skype: timlinux
>>> IRC: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net <http://freenode.net>
>>> I'd love to connect. Here's my calendar link to make finding time easy.
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> —
> *Tim Sutton*
> *Co-founder:*Kartoza
> *Honorary PSC Member and Ex-Project chair:*QGIS.org <http://QGIS.org>
> Visit http://kartoza.com <http://kartoza.com/> to find out about open
> source:
> Desktop GIS programming services
> Geospatial web development
> GIS Training
> Consulting Services
> *Skype*: timlinux
> *IRC:*timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net <http://freenode.net>
> I'd love to connect. Here's my calendar link
> <https://calendly.com/timlinux/30min> to make finding time easy.
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