[Qgis-psc] Voting for grants

Matthias Kuhn matthias at opengis.ch
Tue Jun 2 00:04:16 PDT 2020

Hi all

On 5/30/20 1:21 AM, Nyall Dawson wrote:
> In general, I'd propose that we consider introducing (in the official
> statutes) a limit of one-voting-member-per-organisation. This would
> bring the community voting membership into line with the user group
> membership, where user groups have one single voting member who
> represents the group's view as a single vote. This would also limit
> the potential for (god forbid) a "hostile takeover" situation, where a
> coalition of organisations (commercial or user group) could dominate
> voting. (I think it would be wise to apply the same one-member-per-org
> limit to PSC/board membership too!).

A very good discussion.

How would a one-member-per organisation rule work in reality?

If someone is a very active and respected member of the community with 
all the skills required to judge and discuss a QEP (or other motion) and 
has voting rights. And then gets employed by a company which already has 
someone with voting rights, will his voting rights be withdrawn? I would 
expect that this will have an effect on his choice of employer and could 
impact his engagement within community processes.

Also, how would we deal with loosely coupled groups of developers which 
are legally not an organisation/company but still share business, 
communication and opinions?

Best regards


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