[Qgis-psc] What about postpone the meeting (and LTR release) due to Corona Virus?

Luigi Pirelli luipir at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 14:07:04 PST 2020


We are in a delicate phase of the expansion of the virus, where it's not
clear yet if the actions to prevent diffusion are effective or not.

Actually I'm 50% to travel to den-bosch or to remain at home avoiding risks
for my parents. I'm evaluating basing on the evolution of the infection.

a friend (Scientist and worker in an hospital) suggest to remain at home
for social responsibility to reduce the opportunity to spread the virus.
Social responsibility because 50% of the infected have to be hospitalised
and 10% in reanimation... Italy, for example, have only 4000 reanimation
places that have to be shared with "normal" cases.

My proposal would be to postpone at least 1 month later.

Luigi Pirelli

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