[Qgis-psc] AGM Preparation

Marco Bernasocchi marco at qgis.org
Wed Mar 18 03:08:39 PDT 2020

Hi Paolo,

I hope all well, last night we had an AGM preparation meeting and with
the rest of the PSC we prepared the everything for the AGM.

Today proof read restructured it a bit to make it more understandable
and easily reusable in the years to come.

We decided to have this sent out by the end of this week and all the
deadlines are set accordingly. you just need to proofread it and send it
as attachment to the voting members.

I also prepare the accompanying email text.

you can find all texts in the legalEntity > AnnualGeneralMeetings >
AGM2020 folder



Marco Bernasocchi

QGIS.org Co-chair

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