[Qgis-psc] New policies for QEP submission

Régis Haubourg regis at qgis.org
Mon Dec 9 13:39:13 PST 2024

Thanks a lot for setting up this process. 
It looks very clear to me. 

Le 9 décembre 2024 01:34:31 GMT+01:00, Nyall Dawson via QGIS-PSC <qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org> a écrit :
>Hi all,
>Given that there were no further comments for
>https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Enhancement-Proposals/pull/308 within two
>weeks, these changes have now been merged and the QEP submission policy has
>officially been changed as a result.
>Here's a summary of the new policies and what's changed:
>   - *A QEP must be open for at least two weeks. This may be extended upon
>   request (eg, "I'm on holidays but have feedback to give").*
>   (was:
>      - Must be open for at least *one* week
>      - May be extended upon request (eg, I'm on holidays but have feedback
>      to give)
>      - May be extended if required
>   -
>*Newly submitted QEPs should be announced to the community via a message to
>   the QGIS Developer Mailing List. The QGIS User Mailing List should also be
>   messaged if the changes impact on QGIS end-users. *(new policy)
>   - *Comments from the **whole** community are invited and valuable! You
>   do not need any special permissions or status in order to give feedback. We
>   welcome feedback from all parties, whether you're a developer, a
>   documenter, a translator or an end-user.*
>      - (was: "Others can assign themselves as interested e.g I might be
>      interested in Processing but can't comment on the code. Mainly just to
>      provide feedback.")
>   - *For acceptance, a QEP requires at least 2 +1's from core QGIS
>   developers or PSC members*
>   (was:
>      - Code based QEPs require at least 2 +1's from core developers.
>      Including +1 from maintainer of that area of code
>      - Project QEPs require majority PSC vote
>      - If no maintainer for an area of code, requires at least 2 +1s from
>      core developers
>   - *If -1 votes are received from core QGIS developers, then the proposal
>   should be amended or further discussion conducted to satisfy all interested
>   parties. If consensus cannot be reached, the QEP can be raised to the PSC
>   for voting.*
>   (was:
>      - If -1 votes are received (for code based QEPs) then the proposal
>      should be amended or further discussion conducted to satisfy all
>      parties. If consensus cannot be reached, the QEP can be raised to the PSC
>      for voting.
>      - *The distinction here is the new clarification that the -1 votes
>      only count if they are received from core QGIS developers -- previously
>      there was no policy stating whether ANYONE could make a -1 vote
>to block a
>      proposal*
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