[Qgis-psc] User conference CfP deadline plus one day?

Johannes Kröger (WhereGroup) johannes.kroeger at wheregroup.com
Wed Feb 5 06:09:24 PST 2025

Hej Karl-Magnus,

we finally got the OK to attend the conference and contributor's meeting 
from the bosses but now we have to decide *who* from our team may go. 
Four are interested, two may go. We will then submit proposals for talks 
and/or workshops (a precondition for the trip).

Unfortunately two of the four interested colleagues are on holidays this 
week and only return at work on Monday. The call for presentations ends 
on Sunday though.

Is it possible to extent the call for a day so we don't have to battle 
on the weekend / during their holidays? It would be highly appreciated!

Cheers, Hannes

Johannes Kröger / GIS-Entwickler/-Berater

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johannes.kroeger at wheregroup.com

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