[Qgis-psc] Scheduled maintenance on QGIS plugins website notice

Tim Sutton tim at kartoza.com
Mon Feb 10 04:08:30 PST 2025

Dear QGIS users and community team

We are pleased to share the updated web site for https://plugins.qgis.org.

The site has a fresh new look to match our branding overhaul as well as
many improvements in the user experience. Please let us know what you think!

Additionally, we have split the resources area (for sharing styles,
3d-models, projects, qlr files etc.) into its own site to make it more
discoverable. You can find it at the new URL: https://hub.qgis.org.  The
hub is also branded nicely to match our QGIS branding guidelines.

Many thanks to Lova for the great work, and to the sustaining members and
donors who's patronage was used to cover the cost of this update.

Our maintenance window is now closed and the plugins site should be working
normally again.



On Mon, Feb 10, 2025 at 10:17 AM Tim Sutton <tim at kartoza.com> wrote:

> Dear QGIS Users and Developers
> Maintenance will shortly be underway on the plugin server:
> *👷🏽‍♂️Maintenance notice:* On 10 February 2025 at 10h00 UTC we will be
> performing scheduled maintenance to upgrade the plugins web server. During
> this update, following services may be temporarily disrupted:
> - Installing plugins via the QGIS plugin manager
> - Viewing / uploading / managing plugins on plugins.qgis.org
> - Accessing the hub resources
> - Access to plugins-analytics.qgis.org
> Thank you for your patience
> --
> Tim Sutton
> *Kartoza Cofounder*Tim is a member of the QGIS Project Steering Committee
> *T *: +27(0) 87 809 2702          *E *: tim at kartoza.com          *W* :
> kartoza.com
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Tim Sutton

*Kartoza Cofounder*Tim is a member of the QGIS Project Steering Committee

*T *: +27(0) 87 809 2702          *E *: tim at kartoza.com          *W* :

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