[Qgis-psc] About ML and QGIS

Aguilar Bolivar, Rosa (UT-ITC) r.aguilar at utwente.nl
Mon Jan 13 08:55:53 PST 2025


I hope you are doing well and enjoying the energy that a new year brings.
I am writing to you because I would like to inform you that I am organizing a community event funded by a personal grant I received last year.
The aim of the event is to provide a space for a focused discussion and networking. i.e., Research community and QGIS community.
The central topic of the event is Machine Learning and QGIS with the aim of initiating discussion about a potential QEP for a native integration of machine learning algorithms in QGIS.
I have recently made some attempts to execute ML algorithms in QGIS and that is not so straightforward.
Also, some deep learning architectures are already available in other private software.
So, it would be great if the technical barrier can be lowered for QGIS end users.
The aim of this particular event is not tackling generative AI, although I already have registration of participants working in this topic.
With this email I want to make you aware of this initiative and, invite you to join in case a short trip is possible for some of you (at your own expenses).

Key actors supporting the event are:

  *   University of Twente
  *   EScience Center and
  *   QGISgebruikersgroup (user group of NL) (https://qgis.nl/event/machine-learning-qgis-community-workshop/)

More information about the event at:

Best regards,


Dr. Rosa Aguilar | Assistant Professor | University of Twente | Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation|
Campus University of Twente, Building Langezijds, room 1322, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands |
T: +31 (0)53 487 4567 | r.aguilar at utwente.nl<mailto:r.aguilar at utwente.nl> | https://www.itc.nl/ |
Connect with me on LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/in/rosamaguilar/?locale=en_US> https://rosaguilar.github.io<https://rosaguilar.github.io/>|

The essential is invisible to the eye. Saint-Exupéry


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