[qgis-qwc2] Config wmts

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Thu Apr 20 03:59:37 PDT 2017


Here are my configs - not sure if all parameters are really needed - but 
they don't hurt. It is compatible with MapProxy WMTS.

At the bottom of file 
https://github.com/qgis/qwc2-demo-app/blob/master/themesConfig.json you 
can also find a WMTS configuration.


     "backgroundLayers": [
         "name": "zg.orthofoto",
         "title": "Orthofoto",
         "attribution": "Kanton Zug & Swisstopo",
         "attributionUrl": "https://www.swisstopo.ch/",
         "type": "wmts",
         "tileMatrixSet": "zg",
         "tileMatrixPrefix": "",
         "thumbnail": "Orthofotos.jpg",
         "projection": "EPSG:2056",
         "originX": 2670000.0,
         "originY": 1235000.0,
         "tileSize": [512,512]
         "name": "zg.grundbuchplan-grau",
         "title": "Grundbuchplan",
         "type": "wmts",
         "tileMatrixSet": "zg",
         "tileMatrixPrefix": "",
         "thumbnail": "GrundbuchplanSW.png",
         "projection": "EPSG:2056",
         "originX": 2670000.0,
         "originY": 1235000.0,
         "tileSize": [512,512]
         "name": "zg.basisplan-grau",
         "title": "Basisplan Graustufen",
         "type": "wmts",
         "tileMatrixSet": "zg",
         "tileMatrixPrefix": "",
         "thumbnail": "BasisplanSW.png",
         "projection": "EPSG:2056",
         "originX": 2670000.0,
         "originY": 1235000.0,
         "tileSize": [512,512]


Hope it helps and greetings,

On 20.04.2017 12:17, Karl Magnus Jönsson wrote:
> Hi!
> Trying to add a wmts from GeoServer in my map. Is there an example of 
> how to configure a wmts from GeoServer in themesConfig.json?
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> Telefon: 044-135416 | Mobil: 0733-135416
> karl-magnus.jonsson at kristianstad.se
> www.kristianstad.se
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