[qgis-qwc2] XYZ tiles as background maps

Immo Blecher immo at blecher.co.za
Fri Aug 30 07:16:41 PDT 2019

Good Afternoon,

I was wondering if anybody has managed to include XYZ tiles as 
Background layers. We are building a site for groundwater information 
for the City of Cape Town and Environs and have been successful with 
most of the layers, most of which take data from PostGIS and Spatialite 

The particular layers I want to include can be accessed from QGIS with




and they work perfectly in QGIS. But all I get on the QWC2 client are 
blank pages with most of the options I tried. I also added them in QGIS 
and set the server settings to advertise them as background, again just 
white background pages.

If you want to have a look at our QWC2 implementation on a temporary 
server in the meantime you can go to https://blecher.privatedns.org

Any idea how to do it, if possible at all?




*Immo F. Blecher**
Street: */36 Saffraan Ave., Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7613, South Africa
//*Postal:*//PO Box 74, Lynedoch, 7603, South Africa
//*Cell:*///+27 83 272 6791 |*Fax: *+27 86 736 3302 
*Email:*_immo at blecher.co.za_ <mailto:immo at blecher.co.za> | 
_immob19 at gmail.com_ <mailto:immob19 at gmail.com>| _immob at mymtnmail.co.za 
<mailto:immob at mymtnmail.co.za>

Contact me: immob19 at gmail.com immoblecher



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