[qgis-qwc2] XYZ tiles as background maps

Sandro Mani manisandro at gmail.com
Mon Sep 2 01:55:06 PDT 2019


For the moment you need to add a tileprovider configuration in 
qwc2/utils/ConfigProvider.js, see [1].


[1] https://github.com/qgis/qwc2-demo-app/issues/155

On 30.08.19 16:16, Immo Blecher wrote:
> Good Afternoon,
> I was wondering if anybody has managed to include XYZ tiles as 
> Background layers. We are building a site for groundwater information 
> for the City of Cape Town and Environs and have been successful with 
> most of the layers, most of which take data from PostGIS and 
> Spatialite databases.
> The particular layers I want to include can be accessed from QGIS with
> https://htonl.dev.openstreetmap.org/ngi-tiles/tiles/50k/{z}/{x}/{-y}.png
> and
> http://aerial.openstreetmap.org.za/ngi-aerial/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg
> and they work perfectly in QGIS. But all I get on the QWC2 client are 
> blank pages with most of the options I tried. I also added them in 
> QGIS and set the server settings to advertise them as background, 
> again just white background pages.
> If you want to have a look at our QWC2 implementation on a temporary 
> server in the meantime you can go to https://blecher.privatedns.org
> Any idea how to do it, if possible at all?
> Regards
> Immo
> -- 
> *Immo F. Blecher**
> Street: */36 Saffraan Ave., Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7613, South Africa
> //*Postal:*//PO Box 74, Lynedoch, 7603, South Africa
> //*Cell:*///+27 83 272 6791 |*Fax: *+27 86 736 3302 
> *Email:*_immo at blecher.co.za_ <mailto:immo at blecher.co.za> | 
> _immob19 at gmail.com_ <mailto:immob19 at gmail.com>| _immob at mymtnmail.co.za 
> <mailto:immob at mymtnmail.co.za>
> _*Internet:*_http://www.blecher.co.za/_
> Contact me: immob19 at gmail.com immoblecher
> <http://www.linkedin.com/pub/immo-blecher/30/414/b8>
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