[qgis-qwc2] Connections to external WMS servers fails

Roman Meier roman.meier at gismap.ch
Fri Jan 3 03:44:59 PST 2020

Hi Sandro,

Yep, seems you are right. The console issues to following:

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the
remote resource at
(Reason: CORS request did not succeed).

Any ideas how to fix this?

Kind regards,

> Hi Roman
> This is likely a CORS issue, check the developer console output of your
> browser. If not, if you can please post a link to the service you are
> attempting to use.
> Best
> Sandro
> On 03.01.20 11:07, Roman Meier wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> A few days ago I installed the QWC 2 demo app on my server according to
>> the documentation provided on github
>> (gwc2-demo-app/doc/QWC2_Documentation.md).
>> The installation went smoothly and the development application runs
>> nicely.
>> I then tried to connect to external wms services using "Import layer".
>> However, none of the services seems to respond and consequently no
>> layers
>> get listed.
>> Any ideas?
>> Kind regards,
>> Roman
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