[qgis-qwc2] Fallback of QWC legend service is failing

roman.meier at gismap.ch roman.meier at gismap.ch
Sun Sep 27 06:40:05 PDT 2020

Hi folks,

I did some more research on "QWC legend service".

The challenge I'm facing is that the fallback is not working for me. The icons show nicely when an image is set in the legend configuration. To fall back to the original icon is failing when no image is set.

The fallback url looks like this:


However, there's simply no layer called "Gebaeude". In this case it's called "Bodenbedeckung" and "Gebaeude" is the name of the rule/class. Consequently the call fails.

It seems it all comes down to the fact that I'm not able to call GetLegendGraphic and retrieve the icon of an individual rule/class.

What am I missing here?

Kind regards,

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