[qgis-qwc2] OGC API Features serving with QWC2

Daniel Cebulla daniel.cebulla at jena.de
Mon Apr 29 05:50:46 PDT 2024

Hi there,

we are using the ogc service of the QWC2 for serving WMS and WFS 
services besides the qwc2 map viewer as well. Now I want to have a look 
at serving features as OGC API Features. As the QGIS Server has this 
I wondered, if the ogc service from the qwc2 stack supports this, too? I 
think, the answer is "no" at the moment, because I coulnd't find 
something about this in the docs... But maybe someone came across this 
attempt already.

Thanks for clarification!

Greetings, Daniel

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