[Qgis-tr] QGIS Webclient translations

Mayeul Kauffmann mayeul.kauffmann at free.fr
Sat Apr 23 16:28:40 EDT 2011

I now have the answer about why emails to the mailing list are not the
best way to share translations (the 40Ko size limit on the mailing
Below my original message to the list (which was rejected), without one
of the attachment (the one encoded in ISO 8859-15 without html
entities). I also corrected the email of Jean Roc MORREALE (sorry for
this). I will send the ISO 8859-15 offlist.


De: 	Mayeul Kauffmann <mayeul.kauffmann at free.fr>
À: 	samuelmesa at gmail.com <samuelmesa at gmail.com>, Andreas Neumann
<a.neumann at carto.net>
Cc: 	qgis-tr at lists.osgeo.org, jr.morreale at noreth.net
Sujet: 	QGIS Webclient translations
Date: 	Sat, 23 Apr 2011 22:19:03 +0200

QGIS Webclient is great, thanks!!
Attached a French translation with a few notes on the structure and the
content of the two previous versions.
I'm not sure the email is the best tool to share this, sorry if it is

I also reproduced my comments below.
@Samuel: you let Andreas' email next to your name, I deleted the email..

Hope it helps.



I corrected what I believe was a mistake in the Spanish names of the
available languages (I hope I got it right with the js array).
I made the following type of changes, using my intermediate-level
knowledge of Spanish.

availableLanguages["en"].names["es"] = "Spanish";
=> availableLanguages["en"].names["es"] = "Ingl&eacute;s";

Just in case, I followed the Spanish example by converting the accented
non ASCII caracters in German and French into html entities. Attached
are two versions: one with accents (encoded in ISO 8859-15), the other
with html entities created with this tool (which does much more than
After this, I manually restaured the single quotes where they were
wrongly replaced by "&apos;" but left the &apos; html entities when they
were usefull (within strings)

Those differences will be best viewed with a diff generator which
displays sub-line differences (like kdiff3 for linux).

In English, language names start with an upper-case letter. I hope this
is not used in the application other than for just displaying the name
(otherwise my change might break something?)

english -> English
german -> German

"MapTips tooltip" used only single quotes. I've put double quotes.

searchFieldDefaultTextString["en"] = "Search (addresses, parcel-nrs,
names, etc.)";
Was translated as:
searchFieldDefaultTextString["es"] = "Buscar (nombres, etc.)";

(which is: "Search (names, etc.)";

parcel-nrs are probably specific to this dataset and not to be found on
all GIS applications.
"Names" will be used in almost all GIS applications. Adresses probably
in many GIS applications.

My French translation respects the English and German original strings.
But personnally on my applications I would remove "n° de parcelles, "
after "adresses, ". In fact, this is probably the only
application-dependent string.

Is it on purpose that there is a space at the end of the following
string? If the intent is to put the language name afterwards, it would
be better to do it in 3 parts because the place of the language will not
always be the same. For instance, it is correct in French only if you
add ": " at the end of my proposed string.

//error message invalid language code, part 2
var errMessageInvalidLanguageCodeString2 = new Array();
errMessageInvalidLanguageCodeString2["en"] = "Switching back to default
language ";
errMessageInvalidLanguageCodeString2["de"] = "Wechsle zurück zur
Standardsprache ";

In the last string, punctuation (last colon) was not consistent.

Le vendredi 22 avril 2011 à 15:33 -0500, samuelmesa at gmail.com a écrit :
> Thanks Andreas for this magnificent software, is interesting to see
> the QGIS's projects in the Web.
> Regards,
> Samuel Mesa.
> P.S:I attached a small contribution from the proposed translation file
> into Spanish.
-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: Translations_en_de_es_fr_html-entities.js
Type: application/javascript
Size: 21713 bytes
Desc: not available
Url : http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-tr/attachments/20110423/13bcfa36/Translations_en_de_es_fr_html-entities-0001.bin
-------------- next part --------------
I corrected what I believe was a mistake in the Spanish names of the available languages (I hope I got it right with the js array).
I made the following type of changes, using my intermediate-level knowledge of Spanish.

availableLanguages["en"].names["es"] = "Spanish";
=> availableLanguages["en"].names["es"] = "Ingl&eacute;s";

Just in case, I followed the Spanish example by converting the accented non ASCII caracters in German and French into html entities. Attached are two versions: one with accents (encoded in ISO 8859-15), the other with html entities created with this tool (which does much more than French):
After this, I manually restaured the single quotes where they were wrongly replaced by "&apos;" but left the &apos; html entities when they were usefull (within strings)

Those differences will be best viewed with a diff generator which displays sub-line differences (like kdiff3 for linux).

In English, language names start with an upper-case letter. I hope this is not used in the application other than for just displaying the name (otherwise my change might break something?)

english -> English
german -> German

"MapTips tooltip" used only single quotes. I've put double quotes.

searchFieldDefaultTextString["en"] = "Search (addresses, parcel-nrs, names, etc.)";
Was translated as:
searchFieldDefaultTextString["es"] = "Buscar (nombres, etc.)";

(which is: "Search (names, etc.)";

parcel-nrs are probably specific to this dataset and not to be found on all GIS applications.
"Names" will be used in almost all GIS applications. Adresses probably in many GIS applications.

My French translation respects the English and German original strings. But personnally on my applications I would remove "n° de parcelles, " after "adresses, ". In fact, this is probably the only application-dependent string.

Is it on purpose that there is a space at the end of the following string? If the intent is to put the language name afterwards, it would be better to do it in 3 parts because the place of the language will not always be the same. For instance, it is correct in French only if you add ": " at the end of my proposed string.

//error message invalid language code, part 2
var errMessageInvalidLanguageCodeString2 = new Array();
errMessageInvalidLanguageCodeString2["en"] = "Switching back to default language ";
errMessageInvalidLanguageCodeString2["de"] = "Wechsle zurück zur Standardsprache ";

In the last string, punctuation (last colon) was not consistent.

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