[Qgis-tr] QGIS Webclient translations

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Sun Apr 24 03:32:49 EDT 2011

If nobody objects, we are going to add pt and it translations,and I'll
commit it.
All the best.

Il giorno sab, 23/04/2011 alle 22.28 +0200, Mayeul Kauffmann ha
> Hi,
> I now have the answer about why emails to the mailing list are not the
> best way to share translations (the 40Ko size limit on the mailing
> list)!
> Below my original message to the list (which was rejected), without one
> of the attachment (the one encoded in ISO 8859-15 without html
> entities). I also corrected the email of Jean Roc MORREALE (sorry for
> this). I will send the ISO 8859-15 offlist.
> Regards,
> Mayeul
> De: 	Mayeul Kauffmann <mayeul.kauffmann at free.fr>
> À: 	samuelmesa at gmail.com <samuelmesa at gmail.com>, Andreas Neumann
> <a.neumann at carto.net>
> Cc: 	qgis-tr at lists.osgeo.org, jr.morreale at noreth.net
> Sujet: 	QGIS Webclient translations
> Date: 	Sat, 23 Apr 2011 22:19:03 +0200
> Hi,
> QGIS Webclient is great, thanks!!
> Attached a French translation with a few notes on the structure and the
> content of the two previous versions.
> I'm not sure the email is the best tool to share this, sorry if it is
> not.
> http://www.qgis.org/wiki/Manual_Translation
> I also reproduced my comments below.
> @Samuel: you let Andreas' email next to your name, I deleted the email..
> Hope it helps.
> Mayeul
> ####################################
> I corrected what I believe was a mistake in the Spanish names of the
> available languages (I hope I got it right with the js array).
> I made the following type of changes, using my intermediate-level
> knowledge of Spanish.
> availableLanguages["en"].names["es"] = "Spanish";
> => availableLanguages["en"].names["es"] = "Ingl&eacute;s";
> ###################################
> Just in case, I followed the Spanish example by converting the accented
> non ASCII caracters in German and French into html entities. Attached
> are two versions: one with accents (encoded in ISO 8859-15), the other
> with html entities created with this tool (which does much more than
> French):
> http://www.kidquick.com/JoomlaTools/frenchAccents.htm
> After this, I manually restaured the single quotes where they were
> wrongly replaced by "&apos;" but left the &apos; html entities when they
> were usefull (within strings)
> Those differences will be best viewed with a diff generator which
> displays sub-line differences (like kdiff3 for linux).
> ###################################
> In English, language names start with an upper-case letter. I hope this
> is not used in the application other than for just displaying the name
> (otherwise my change might break something?)
> english -> English
> german -> German
> #################
> "MapTips tooltip" used only single quotes. I've put double quotes.
> ###################################
> searchFieldDefaultTextString["en"] = "Search (addresses, parcel-nrs,
> names, etc.)";
> Was translated as:
> searchFieldDefaultTextString["es"] = "Buscar (nombres, etc.)";
> (which is: "Search (names, etc.)";
> parcel-nrs are probably specific to this dataset and not to be found on
> all GIS applications.
> "Names" will be used in almost all GIS applications. Adresses probably
> in many GIS applications.
> My French translation respects the English and German original strings.
> But personnally on my applications I would remove "n° de parcelles, "
> after "adresses, ". In fact, this is probably the only
> application-dependent string.
> ####################################
> Is it on purpose that there is a space at the end of the following
> string? If the intent is to put the language name afterwards, it would
> be better to do it in 3 parts because the place of the language will not
> always be the same. For instance, it is correct in French only if you
> add ": " at the end of my proposed string.
> //error message invalid language code, part 2
> var errMessageInvalidLanguageCodeString2 = new Array();
> errMessageInvalidLanguageCodeString2["en"] = "Switching back to default
> language ";
> errMessageInvalidLanguageCodeString2["de"] = "Wechsle zurück zur
> Standardsprache ";
> ########################
> In the last string, punctuation (last colon) was not consistent.
> Le vendredi 22 avril 2011 à 15:33 -0500, samuelmesa at gmail.com a écrit :
> > Thanks Andreas for this magnificent software, is interesting to see
> > the QGIS's projects in the Web.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Samuel Mesa.
> > 
> > P.S:I attached a small contribution from the proposed translation file
> > into Spanish.
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Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc

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