[Qgis-tr] How can I make Korean QGIS 2.0 manual page?

BJ Jang qgis.tr.kr at gmail.com
Thu Aug 1 19:43:00 PDT 2013

I know that the manual work QGIS 2.0 was started.
I hope translate QGIS 2.0 manual to Korean at the earliest time after the
2.0 version announcement.
Then, I & OSGeo Korean Chapter members are ready to work for manual
translation and want to make Korean QGIS 2.0 manual page.

In addition, we have the manual for version 1.7, which is already
translated into Korean.

Please let me know, how can I get the latest English manual? how can I make
Korean manual page? how can I upload translated Korean manual?

kind regards
BJ Jang
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