[Qgis-tr] [Qgis-developer] size of translations, use a distinct repo?
Werner Macho
werner.macho at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 14:24:07 PST 2014
Sounds like a reasonable idea to me, if the translations will be in
nightly I've got no problem (and I also think that the translators
don't have any). For people compiling out of sources it shouldn't be
any problem to pull from transifex either and compile.
So if we (more or less) completely stop updating instantly in source
repository but rather only update directly in front of a release and
that helps keeping the code small - I am in.
But speaking from pulling in.. Maybe it is possible to integrate tx
pull of the translations directly in the make command? I don't know if
it's possible to check for internet connection or not but it would be
nice to automatically look for new translations right in front of a
compile run.
On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 3:35 PM, Jürgen E. <jef at norbit.de> wrote:
> Hi Denis,
> On Mon, 03. Nov 2014 at 08:32:01 +0100, Denis Rouzaud wrote:
>> Last translation commit is quite large again, due to the Spanish file,
>> although from a quick look it just seems to be new translations...
>> Anyway, I'd like to raise again the idea of using git submodule for
>> translation files.
>> As written before, I think they are quite useless in the main repo.
>> Even if we can limit drastically the growth of the files, I think they would
>> be better suited in a distinct repo and have a small advantage regarding
>> growth of the main repo.
>> I found a project [0] which is using github / transifex with git
>> submodule for translation files [1].
>> I believe no changes to current translation scripts would be required
>> thanks to git submodules.
>> It would just be a question of initialising the submodule and changing
>> the url wherever needed.
>> Does this need a QEP ? ;)
> I don't see what problem that solves. It just moves the growth into a
> different repository.
> Werner decided to move exclusively to transifex, because the coordination of
> which translations are maintained in our repository and which not, didn't
> really work out (I think the spanish translation was considered to be kept in
> our repository, although actually was maintained in transifex - hence the other
> round of changes).
> For me that actually is a backstep. Before I could update qgis_de.ts,
> translate in linguist, update TRANSLATORS and commit all of that in one commit.
> Without the locations that are only actual translations.
> Lately I also started to update qgis_en.ts in the process - as that's what
> transifex tracks. So that translator using transifex have a chance to keep up
> (I think qgis_en.ts exists only for transifex).
> Now I'd have to update qgis_en.ts, commit it, wait for transifex to pick it up
> (didn't yet try - maybe that happens instantly), download qgis_de.ts to
> translate with linguist, upload the result (or translate directly on the
> transifex site) and the pull the ts back from transifex and commit that - or
> wait for Werner's next transifex pull to have them appear in some future
> nightly build.
> Maybe we should just stop to keep the translations uptodate in our repository
> and let the nightly builds pull automatically from transifex instead.
> That way we always have the latest translations in the nightly builds and avoid
> all the unnecessary changes in our repository. And once shortly before
> release all of them would be pulled into our repository just to get them into
> the tarball.
> And I would just need update and commit qgis_en.ts when I want to start
> translating, commit it, translated it via transifex - and get it in the next
> nightly build without more extra steps and noise in the repository.
> Opinions?
> Jürgen
> --
> Jürgen E. Fischer norBIT GmbH Tel. +49-4931-918175-31
> Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Rheinstraße 13 Fax. +49-4931-918175-50
> Software Engineer D-26506 Norden http://www.norbit.de
> QGIS release manager (PSC) Germany IRC: jef on FreeNode
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> =eQeh
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