[Qgis-tr] Question about translation into esperanto

Axel Rousseau axel584 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 31 02:59:12 PDT 2017

Hi Jürgen,

But both only for languages which have at least 35% of the translations.

The esperanto version seem to have 45% :

and seem to have more than 35% since december 2017 :

And I don't understand why the file :
was changed to integrate the Hindi language :

[TRANSUP] adding hindi from transifex
mach0 <https://github.com/sikmir/QGIS/commits?author=mach0> committed on 3
Nov 2014

but not to integrate the esperanto langage :

remove qgis_eo.ts reference (will be pulled in automatically)
jef-n <https://github.com/sikmir/QGIS/commits?author=jef-n> committed on 1

So, if I undestand, the esperanto will be available in the 3.0.0 version in
december ?

Thank your for your response,

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