[Qgis-tr] String encoded as HTML when taken for translation

Ari Jolma ari.jolma at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 02:04:04 PST 2018


In source code (python/plugins/processing/modeler/ModelerDialog.py) 
there is a string which begins "Model doesn't". The same string appears 
as "Model doesn't" as source in *.ts files. And thus it does not 

Since the source is python code there is a tool (?) which copies the 
string into temporary a c++ coded file 
(python/plugins/processing/python-i18n.cpp) - or that is what I assume 
since there is no such file in the repository.

I'm wondering who (python -> c++, c++ -> ts, ?) is the culprit and is 
this expected? If it is, should the source code be changed or how this 
could be fixed?



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