[Qgis-tr] Fwd: Coordination of the Greek Language

Werner Macho werner.macho at gmail.com
Sun Mar 10 11:30:19 PDT 2019

Hi Nikos,

Thank you for your message.
If Thodoris is ok with it you are more than welcome to coordinate the
greek language (it is also possible to have more than one coordinator).

IMHO translation is mostly done in the "freetime" of our translators,
so we rely on enthusiastic people to contribute (as it also is with

If we can help you in any way just let us know.

I myself can only speak for the german language where we are extremely
lucky because whenever Jürgen (as a core contributor also to the code)
already provides the translation for new code he contributes along with
new strings.

The "rest" is done whenever it has to be done - and lastly there is
only a few translation going on with the documentation as far as I can

>From my knowledge german language uses the Glossary available in
transifex, but if there are better things available you are welcome to
make suggestions.

kind regards

On Sun, 2019-03-10 at 13:35 +0000, Nikolaos Tsarmpopoulos wrote:
> Transifex Webtranslation page for QGIS is on 
> https://www.transifex.com/qgis/
> Dear QGIS colleagues,
> I am making an effort to get the Greek language translation process
> move forward and, in this direction, last week I wrote to both of the
> respective team coordinators, Werner Macho and Thodoris Vakkas.
> My understanding is that, currently, there isn't much goining on, in
> terms of organisation/coordination activity for the Greek
> translation. I may be wrong, in which case I'd be very grateful if
> you please let me know about the ongoing coordination activities and
> provide references/links to the relevant work. 
> However, if my observation is correct, I am happy to step forward and
> make myself available for the role of coordinator for the Greek
> language. 
> There are genuine challenges with the Greek translation. For example,
> there's no Standard for the Greek GIS terminology, which could be
> used as point of reference. Also, to the best of my knowledge, there
> is no sponsor for the translation of QGIS to the Greek language.
> To address these, as well as any other challenge that comes on the
> way, I think it's important to liaise with private sector, public
> sector organisations and universities, which may have an interest in
> the translation of QGIS to the Greek language.
> I'd be very interested in hearing the QGIS Translation Team's views
> and learn more about if/how other teams have managed to deliver a
> consistent, reliable translation and achieve progress that follows
> closely the original English text. Have other countries established
> national standards for GIS terminology and, if so, do QGIS
> translation teams make good use of these standards?
> I look forward to hearing from you.
> Kind regards,
> Nikos
> https://www.linkedin.com/in/ntsarb/
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