[QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3814: Polygonize generates a custom projection instead of using the source projection

Quantum GIS qgis at qgis.org
Tue May 10 06:55:15 EDT 2011

#3814: Polygonize generates a custom projection instead of using the source
   Reporter:  pcav              |              Owner:  brushtyler   
       Type:  bug               |             Status:  new          
   Priority:  minor: annoyance  |          Milestone:  Version 1.7.0
  Component:  GDALTools         |            Version:               
   Keywords:                    |   Platform_version:               
   Platform:  Debian            |           Must_fix:  No           
Status_info:  0                 |  
 When converting a raster in vector with GdalTools, the resulting shp has a
 custom projection, identical to the source one, instead of just taking the
 original one with its code. Nothing terrible, but in this way more and
 more custom prj will be generated.
 Unclear whether it is a QGIS or a GDAL problem.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/qgis/ticket/3814>
Quantum GIS <http://qgis.org>
Quantum GIS is an Open Source GIS supporting GDAL/OGR, PostGIS, and GRASS formats, and Web Services

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