[Qgis-us-user] Converting from Shapefile to JSON format with geometry features.

Carl Reinemann creinemann at gmail.com
Fri Jul 23 11:37:33 PDT 2021

I am Brand new to QGIS. I have a question on the conversion of a shapefile
(.shp) to a geojson format.  I am using data produced by NOAA,NASA to map
out on satellite imagery, current fire hotspots onto satellite imagery I
receive and process at home.

The data I download is from here
https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/active_fire/    (I use the shp files)

I have a small script that downloads it every 12 hours.

I then use QGIS this way, to convert it into the type I need to apply it to
my imagery.

This is the current way I process it with QGIS 3.16.8

1. Add a vector layer and open the .shp file I want to convert.
2. Goto Vector-
            -Geoprocessing Tools
3. I then change the distance to .01
4. then I run the Buffer (this is to create the geometry I need, rather
than point)
5. I then export the Buffered file "Save Features as"
 --selecting GEOJSON
    -saving it as a file.

This works and provides me the data in the format I need.

My questions this- Can this be done via a command line?
I wish to use my PC to automate the process so that I can have it run in a
batch file after the data download.

I am open to other methods as well.

An example of the imagery with the data applied is here.

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