[Qgis-user] why is EPSG:2180 not recognised?

Maciej Sieczka tutey at o2.pl
Fri Apr 4 13:52:22 PDT 2008


Can anybody say why QGIS does not recognize EPSG:2180, EPSG:2172-2175 
georeference in GeoTIFFs? These are Poland-specific CS.

However, QGIS does recognize more generic CS, also used where I live, 
like EPSG:4326 (ll/WGS84), EPSG:32633-32635 (UTM 33N-35N), EPSG:4179 

See the attached example. It's in EPSG:2180. QGIS has EPSG:2180 in it's 
database. The georefernce in the haeder of GeoTIFF is 100% OK. It was 
created with "gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:2180". Yet QGIS insists it can't 
recognize georeference.

QGIS CS database is severly outdated. As to Poland alone, it's missing 
following changes in EPSG database:

1. 2171 was deprecated in favor of 3120 over a year ago. There was a 
huge error in 2171; QGIS is still using 2171, does not know about 3120.

2. 3328 - 3335 are new; all 8 of them are missing in QGIS.

Please don't tell me that I can send a patch with updates for the CS 
database. That would fix only my problem, while EPSG database has lots 
of fixes and additions in each new version, which get included in new 
releases of PROJ, GDAL, GRASS but not in QGIS.
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