[Qgis-user] Affine transformation for vectors

Borys Jurgiel borys at wolf.most.org.pl
Tue Dec 2 13:43:32 PST 2008

Great job! I've tested it on Trunk and have noticed:

Both plugins:
- lack of required method in __init__.py, so they're
  disabled in trunk:
      def qgisMinimumVersion():
        return '1.0.0'

- unneeded .pyc files in packages - AFAIK they can cause plugin crashes on
  Windows systems.

Find by attributes:
- layer name contains also layer id

- missing toolbar icon (I see something very strange in code ;) )
- 'whole layer' doesn't work - always only selected features are transformed
- after scalling by factor 0.5 the old extent remains

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