[Qgis-user] envi file

Agustin Lobo aloboaleu at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 10:53:45 PST 2008

I can't open en envi file with qgis,
I have a file named toto and its toto.hdr
If I select toto.hdr qgis tells me to select toto
but if I select toto qgis says that it's not
a supported valid raster source.

Does anyone have actually tested this?
Just to make sure it's not a problem in my side.


Dr. Agustin Lobo
Institut de Ciencies de la Terra "Jaume Almera" (CSIC)
LLuis Sole Sabaris s/n
08028 Barcelona
Tel. 34 934095410
Fax. 34 934110012
email: Agustin.Lobo at ija.csic.es

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