[Qgis-user] multiple projects in one project

Micha Neubauer Micha.Neubauer at yahoo.de
Wed Dec 10 17:21:12 PST 2008

Hej Chris,

"Project Properties" --> Tab: CRS 
and enable "On the fly projection"

But this is possible on the with vector data not with raster data.
But since you talk about "shape files" that should do
good luck

Am Mittwoch 10 Dezember 2008 19:30:00 schrieb Christopher Barker:
> Hi all,
> How does one handle data in multiple projections in one project? I
> thought QGIS could re-project on the fly, but I'm not sure how to tell
> it to do that.
> My example:
> I loaded up a couple shape files in simple geo-coords (lat-long). Then I
> added one more that is in the California Albers projection.
> The two were not the least bit aligned.
> So, how do I get QGIS to re-project one or the other data sets?
> -thanks,
> -Chris

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