[Qgis-user] MapServer export

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Tue Dec 16 03:48:43 PST 2008

Hi Edmondo,
some python plugins are at this moment not very stable, but will be 
after the upcoming release of 1.0 :-)

Another option is an app that Gary Sherman mentioned 2 months ago:

Haven't tried it myself though.


Richard Duivenvoorde

Edmondo Elisei wrote:
> Dear all,
> My MapserverExport plugin doesn't work.
> It happens either in Qgis 0.11 and 1.0 Preview 2.
> I tried on windows and Ubuntu 8.04, and I installed Python support also 
> (in win and in linux).
> System returns a python error:
> "An error has occured while executing Python code:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:/Programmi/Quantum 
> GIS\./python/plugins\mapserver_export\mapserverexport.py", line 81, in run
>     exporter = Qgis2Map(str(self.dlg.ui.txtQgisFilePa ..."
> Has someone suggestions?
> Thanks
> Regards
> Edmondo
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