[Qgis-user] How to create easily and fast an empty vector-layer to use it in Quantum GIS?

Nikos Alexandris nikos.alexandris at felis.uni-freiburg.de
Wed Feb 27 02:18:45 PST 2008

On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 16:56 +0100, Philipp Steigenberger wrote:
> Hi there,
> I posted this on the grassuser-list before, but couldnt get support...

Hi Philipp
> -> How to create a new GRASS-Vectorlayer within QGIS and link it to a 
> database (dbf) table.

Creating a new GRASS vector is easily done with the respective "Create
new GRASS Vector". -- You probably got that I suppose

Then I add the columns I want ( after pressing above mentioned button,
Grass Edit window appears) under "Table" tab (Add column and
Create/Alter Table)

Digitise something... (Update table)



Now I can confirm with db.tables -p that a table named after my "TEST"
Vector data exists.  (I use sqlite)

I can see this vector both in GRASS and in QGIS.

In QGIS I load points/lines/areas in separate layers... (each time when
I "Add GRASS Vector" I select the respective "layer" for my TEST

Hope this helps and does not mess you up more.


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