[Qgis-user] vector editing in QGIS - questions and issues (PostGIS biased)

Maciej Sieczka tutey at o2.pl
Wed Feb 27 14:00:02 PST 2008



What do the "Enable topological editing" and "Avoid intersections of new 
polygons" in Project Properties exactly do? What is the "Search radius 
for vertex edits" in Options>Digitizing? I can't find them covered in 
QGIS manual, website and WIKI. I'd be grateful for explaining them to me 
as I have to explain them to few other folks on Saturday :).


1. Once I enter the "Project properties" and press "Apply" (without or 
with modifying any setting, with or without any layer added to project - 
doesn't matter), the "Default Snapping Tolerance", which I set in 
Option>Digitizing to "5", is not respected anymore when editing PostGIS 
layers from then on (like if set to 0). To enable sanpping I have to set 
it separately for each layer in Project Properties, which is tedious and 
was hard to guess what's going on. Looks like a bug, does it?

2. After "Avoid intersections of new polygons" is enabled, and the 
individual snapping for the layer is set in the Project Properties, 
following errors crop out:

a) During digitising PostGIS multipolygons an error "Could not remove 
polygon intersection" pops up from time to time. I can't see what is the 
pattern for that. A bug?

b) At saving changes to a PostGIS multipolygon layer, if a polygon 
touching another one is digitised, an "INSERT error" pops up: "ERROR: 
new row for relation "test_polygons" violates check constraint 
"enforce_geotype_the_geom"", and I cannot save changes. Seems a bug for 

Here's the metadata of an example "test_polygons" layer. Issues are 
reproducible with any multipolygon though AFAICT:

Storage type of this layer : Generic vector file
Source for this layer : dbname=topsecret host=topsecret port=topsecret 
user=topsecret table="topsecret"."test_polygons" (the_geom) sql=
Geometry type of the features in this layer : Polygon
The number of features in this layer : 3
Editing capabilities of this layer : Add Features, Delete Features, 
Change Attribute Values, Add Attributes, Delete Attributes, Change 
Geometries, Select Geometries by ID (unknown access method)
In layer spatial reference system units : xMin,yMin 594842,5.68402e+06 : 
xMax,yMax 598419,5.68746e+06
Layer Spatial Reference System:
+proj=utm +zone=33 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs

Takes place on QGIS r8182 built and running against QT 4.3.2, GEOS 3.0, 
PgSQL 8.2.6, PostGIS 1.3.2, on amd64 Ubuntu Gutsy. Same happened in 
r8171. Please fix if possible.


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