[Qgis-user] New user - map calibration problem

Rob the_shed at ozemail.com.au
Sun Jul 20 21:02:00 PDT 2008

Im very new to the GIS concept - though I have used OziExplorer with a 
GPS previously.
I have Australian AUSLIG 1:250,000 raster maps and the ".MAP" 
calibration files as used by OziExplorer, I am trying to set up a map 
(Carrieton 66333) to display waypoints taken recently.
I have the same waypoints displaying on this map in OziExplorer (so the 
waypoints and map are know and correct) -  I am trying to duplicate the 
this in Qgis.
I am running Ver. 0.10.0-Io (8383). 
Projection is set to "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
Locale is set to "en_AU"
The waypoints were imported using GPS Babel.
But when I try to display the waypoints they appear off the top of the map.

Obviously I have missed something, any help would be welcome.

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