[Qgis-user] qgis 0.11 on ubuntu hardy: crashing

Agustin Lobo aloboaleu at gmail.com
Thu Jul 24 05:17:09 PDT 2008

I have this problem:

I open a vector layer (shp) which has its qml file.
I open another vector layer (shp) similar to the above.
I select load style and select the qml file
I select Apply and Ok
...and oops! the 2nd vector layer is substituted by the
first one (that is, I have twice the same vector layer)

Sometimes (cannot be more precise, I've tried
but it's very erratic, I'm trying to clarify
this), if I select Remove, Qgis crashes with:

Warning: QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on a null pixmap
Warning: QPainter::end: Painter not active, aborted

Segmentation fault

Dr. Agustin Lobo
Institut de Ciencies de la Terra "Jaume Almera" (CSIC)
LLuis Sole Sabaris s/n
08028 Barcelona
Tel. 34 934095410
Fax. 34 934110012
email: Agustin.Lobo at ija.csic.es

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