[Qgis-user] How to probe raster values?

Carson Farmer cfarmer at uvic.ca
Tue May 13 11:32:10 PDT 2008


What about using GDAL to access your raster values? Your plugin could 
get all the needed info (i.e. path, name, etc), load the data using 
GDAL, and read the data as needed using ReadRaster.

Check out: http://www.gdal.org/gdal_tutorial.html  or  
for details.



Borys Jurgiel wrote:
> Hi Everybody! 
> I'm working on a plugin in Python and I can't find any way to read values (at 
> specified coordinates) from raster layers. 
> I've tried with "identify" method of QgsRasterLayer object, but it's 
> unavailable in my QGIS 0.10. Is this method depreciated, or only there is no 
> Python binding for it yet? 
> Is there any other way, or is that my time for switch to C? :)
> Regards,
> Borys.
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