[Qgis-user] QGIS and ECW and MrSid formats

Yves Jacolin (free) yjacolin at free.fr
Sat Nov 8 02:56:31 PST 2008

Le samedi 08 novembre 2008, Tim Sutton a écrit :
> Hi Jacolin
> > Camptocamp created such gdal package with ECW. More information here:
> > http://cartoweb.org/cwiki/DebianPackages
> I thought I would give your repo a try on my etch server but I had
> some problems with the pgp key:
> sudo gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys A37E4CF5
> gpg: requesting key A37E4CF5 from hkp server subkeys.pgp.net
> ?: subkeys.pgp.net: Connection refused
> gpgkeys: HTTP fetch error 7: couldn't connect: Connection refused
> gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
> gpg: Total number processed: 0
> Also do you have a mrsid library too?
> Thanks!
> Regards

Hi Tim,

This is not my repo, this is the Camptocamp's one ;)

I just tested it and it's work well. Maybe an internet access failed.

gpg: requête de la clé A37E4CF5 du serveur hkp subkeys.pgp.net
gpg: clé A37E4CF5: clé publique « Camptocamp Signing Key 
<info at camptocamp.com> » importée
gpg: Quantité totale traitée: 1
gpg:               importée: 1

There's not a MrSID libraray that's I am aware of.


Yves Jacolin
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