[Qgis-user] Testing qgis_rasterlayertest ***Failed

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Thu Nov 20 08:07:45 PST 2008


The test suite has not been updated to recent changes in SVN - its on
our todo list before we can release.



On Thu, 2008-11-20 at 10:13 -0500, Chris h wrote:
> Greets:
> I ran into a problem with qgis on ubuntu not finding coordinates on rasters. 
> So I rebuild from svn sources and this time build the test suite. On running 
> the tests the rasterlayertest fails. However all dependencies are met. So I 
> was wondering how do I trace down this error.
> Best and many thanks. 

Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
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