[Qgis-user] Raster selection

José María Michia jose.maria.michia at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 20:30:16 PST 2008

Thanks Sergio, but it's not what I'm looking to do. I'm difficult with
english, and i can not explain precisely.

The layer in question is vector layer, not raster. More exactly, is an
LABEL/ANNOTATION layer. And to be more exact, I wish this layer
processed by MapServer for generalize at certain scale.

My previous post is about some alternatives that I've explored
explored in QGIS. The raster extraction mentioned, is not useful for
me in this case.

2008/11/21 Sergio Zárate Pedroche <szpedroche at yahoo.com.mx>:
> Hi, José María,
> Have you tried MultiSpec?
> It allows for establishing a rectangle selection, either manually or by
> coordinates (rows, cols; degrees or meters) and then saving selection.
> I vave found it usefull for importing raster selections in QGis

Yes, I tried MultiSpec. However, I am a Linux user, and I prefer to
use gdal_translate and GRASS for handling raster files.

Thank you very much Sergio
José María

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