[Qgis-user] select elements from a wms layer
Richard Duivenvoorde
rdmailings at duif.net
Fri Nov 21 01:51:26 PST 2008
Not sure if I understand you correctly, but a WFS SHOULD be selectable
in QGIS. Try the 'rijkswaterstaat'-url below, and you can select 1
province, and via the attribute table copy WKT to the clipboard:
MULTIPOLYGON(((149480.042914 476598.605781,149482.755927
... a LOT of coordinates here ...
But if it is only the LABELS that you actually want to copy, it's
different. Labelplacement is done using the geographic object it's
attached to.
First I thought that you maybe could transform your original layer to a
point-layer, but in that way you do not have the exact same label
locations as before. But having a pointlayer with labels, they should be
selectable, thereby copyable.
Another option?? in arcview it was/is(?) possible to transform a labels
to a 'graphic'...
Richard Duivenvoorde
José María Michia wrote:
> With WFS I've come close to what I need. The problem is that WFS does
> not work with layers of labels. I've changed the geometry type, to
> polygon, without style, and with label, and i can display this layer
> in QGIS. I've inserted this WFS layer in QGIS. And, at certain scale,
> QGIS show only the labels that i want to write out. So, QGIS display
> the data that i wish to write to some GIS file. But, QGIS not let me
> select elementos from WFS/WMS layers. Selection tools is deactivated.
> And i cannot found any way of convert to gis format. Only found a way
> to convert it to image.
> Using QGIS, with both WMS and WFS layers, the selection tool is
> deactivated. I can not select elements of these layers. With other
> layer formats, the tool is activated, and I can select elements. Is
> correct this behavior?
>> If you want to try out a WFS: use this url:
>> http://www.rijkswaterstaat.nl/services/geoservices/overzichtskaartnl?service=WFS&typename=NL-prov&version=1.0.0
>> you will be able to receive provinces, highways etc from the Netherlands.
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