[Qgis-user] Error compiling the recent trunk

Borys Jurgiel borys at wolf.most.org.pl
Mon Oct 20 04:00:19 PDT 2008

Trying to compile on Ubuntu Hardy, I get the message:

  [  0%] Generating qgssvnversion.h
  [  0%] Built target svnversion
  [  1%] Building CXX object src/core/CMakeFiles/qgis_core.dir/qgsgeometry.o
  /mnt/arch/svn/qgis/src/core/qgsgeometry.cpp: In static member function
   `static QgsGeometry* QgsGeometry::fromWkt(QString),:
  /mnt/arch/svn/qgis/src/core/qgsgeometry.cpp:407: error: `GEOSGeomFromWkt,
   was not declared in this scope
  make[2]: *** [src/core/CMakeFiles/qgis_core.dir/qgsgeometry.o] Error 1
  make[1]: *** [src/core/CMakeFiles/qgis_core.dir/all] Error 2

My GEOS version is 2.2.3-4, cmake is 2.6.0-4 and ccmake settings are:

  GEOS_CONFIG                      /usr/bin/geos-config
  GEOS_INCLUDE_DIR                 /usr/include
  GEOS_LIBRARY                     /usr/lib/libgeos_c.so
  GEOS_LIB_NAME_WITH_PREFIX        -lgeos_c

The last line seems strange to me... Could anybody help me to find the reason? 
Removing the build directory doesn't help.

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