[Qgis-user] Re: print templates in preview1

Marco Hugentobler marco.hugentobler at karto.baug.ethz.ch
Thu Sep 25 04:01:34 PDT 2008

Hi Paolo,

The bug is that those buttons are there. I will remove them, thanks for 
It seems this functionality was planned in the old composer but never 


Am Donnerstag 25 September 2008 12:32:24 schrieb Paolo Cavallini:
> Hi all.
> I'm using 1.0 preview1. In the printing dialogo, the "load template" and
> "save template" buttons are greyed out: anything to be done to activate
> them? Or is this a bug?
> All the best.
> pc

Dr. Marco Hugentobler
Institute of Cartography
ETH Zurich
Technical Advisor QGIS Project Steering Committee

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